Saturday, June 28, 2008 28 June 2008After being a Loan Shark for a week.. Finally had the 4E3 BBQ today! Hee!!=D
Well.. First things first. Dee, Tiffy, Farisha and Me carried LOADS of stuff from Dee's house to Pasir Ris Park. Putting all the things in the cab was easy. But the obstacle that we had later on was carrying all the stuffs from the carpark to Pit65, which is all the way to the end. And I mean it. ALL THE WAY TO THE END!! LOL. [Cause that was the only available pit]
Since there was too many stuffs.. Dee asked me to wait somewhere while the three of them put the other stuffs at the pit. So I waited with the 12 bottles of soft drinks and a styrofoam box filled with the BBQ-ing stuffs. So I waited and waited and waited and waited. But Dee's shadow is still nowhere to be seen. Luckily Brother saw me standing there. Heh=) Well, it was lucky for me but unlucky for Ronney Lah. LOL. So he helped me carry the 12 [1.5litre] bottles! Strong mann. Haha. Cheerleader ma=P
The fun part was when I started the fire!! HOHOHOHO!!Cause that was my first time doing that. Heh=))Well, all thanks to my Brother!! [The Real One=))]He taught me the day before the BBQ. LOL!Well, it was okay lah.At least we still did cook some food out of that fire. LOLHmm.. Quite a lot also lah. LOLBut then!I salute my titi. He did a better job than me. LOL. Duhh! Heh=))He was in charge of the 007 sec 1 camp fire lah! What you expect. Heh.So.. Li Qiang started the second fire later in the day.The fire was POWDERful lah!! Lasted very long. Should ask him to give me some tips. HehXDSo all of us cooked and cooked and cooked all day!!WEEE!!Got to see my previous classmates which I've been missing! Or which have been Missing!Heh=))Although it's too bad that Mr Jae wasn't there. So long never see him ready lah. =)Well, I think that we should seriously organise outings like this more often!! =))AND MOST OF ALL!! I MISS ANDY!!! HEEE!! =)) TOO BAD WE ONLY MET UP FOR A WHILE.=((
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Hmm.. Tuesday Blues?Well, today, surprisingly, was kinda fun.Don't really like Tuesdays that much, all thanks to the CKT Labs that we have as the last lesson of the day. I just HATE CKT LABS. At least for me, ESFAC Lab is still tolerable=)) Heh.Well, I have a confession to make, our Lab tutor is just so funny + weird!=SAnyways, maybe I hate CKT LABS because I don't quite have confidence in patching up the circuit. Heh. Mistakes here and there. Boy that sure sucks.The bad news is that, I'M HAVING MY LAB TEST NEXT WEEK!! I think.Aww mann! Let's just see how will I survive that one then.=SAnyways, today, in the Lab, the front row people, MINAH CUN CUN, SHARFINISH, SYAYAZA and HAIRCURL, all got above 27 for our Lab5. So, we decided to re-do our Lab5 to revise next week's Lab test and we were done in no time. Heh. Anyways, thanks MINAH CUN CUN for your help=))Hmm.. Since we finished super early, thanks to HAIRCURL, who started the whole thing, we ended up taking LOADS OF PHOTOS TOGETHER!! **which we've been wanting to take since I can't remember when=))** Well, we took photos like nobody's business I tell you!!=D So, that was what made our Lab today much much much EXCITING! Heh. Surprisingly, i'm done with my WRTORAL!WoOhOo!! =))And and! I'm felling so nervous. Gonna receive my Engine Math and ESFAC term test results tomorrow.. Well.. Actually it's today. No. Later on!! AAAHHH! Heh=S** I'm so GLAD I passed my EFFCOM test 2! 12.5. Okay Lah. Better than nothing. LOL!=)) **Well, i've made my decision. Gonna give him one LAST CHANCE=))All thanks to this last sentence "if this feeling is true then i m going to wait for u always=)"=))
Saturday, June 21, 2008 MY CDS=))1st Choice:Introduction to Language and Culture (JAPANESE)2nd Choice:Introduction to Language and Culture (FRENCH)3rd Choice:Introduction to Sociology4th Choice:Introduction to Psychology5th Choice:Introduction to the Law of SingaporeTeeHee!Finally chose my CDS!Well, HOPEFULLY I GET JAPANESE!!Heh=))Ouh! Ouh!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JASON =))
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Undescribable Feeling.Hmm..Today, I sorta lost someone. [Not literally lost though.]He was someone who once made me laugh each day.Now?Not anymore.Cause I guess he just gave up waiting for me.Well, honestly, I don't mind if he wanna give me up.I'm totally fine with it.Cause if he really needs someone to be by his side.And I know that, for now, I can't be that someone.So, he might as well find that someone as soon as possible rather than to wait for me till.. I seriously don't know when..So.. yeah. That was what I told him.He then replied by saying that "I dont need any other person"So, if he doesn't need any other person.. What's the rush right?He can like.. Wait for me till.. FOREVER? Heh=SHonestly, I don't understand what's going through his mind."i regret not contacting u before n evrthing but i cant do anything now"Well, about that, I think that was the cause of us.. drifting apart.After some time.. No. After quite a long time not contacting me, how do you expect me to feel how I felt previously?Like I said, we can't force our hearts to fall in love with someone.The feelings must also come to us naturally. Isn't that so?For the second time, I don't understand what's going through your mind."so i guess i rather just leave again"Well, if that's what you want.I can't do anything, can I? I don't know whether you still wanna be my friend or you just wanna disappear from my life forever, just like that.Anyway, it's entirely up to you.Whatever it is, I don't mind being just friends.Do what your heart tells you to.Your life, not mine.As long as you're happy, I am=)
Saturday, June 14, 2008 This Should Be Done More Often=)In the end, the Friday outing was cancelled cause many people couldn't turn up.This plan changed and that plan changed.My plans changed tOo! Heh=)So, I ended up meeting Farisha on Friday the 13th!HOHOHO!And we had lots of fun! Heee!First things first, I got a CARE BEAR when I met her under my block. Well, it was the belated present that she owed me! Thank you for that bear! =)) And the CARE BEAR is sooo KAWAII! Reminds me of HER! =P Hee! Andy Tersayang and Me still owe Farisha her present! Heh! Although my beloved Andy is still overseas and that's why we can't give Farisha her belated birthday treat. Missing Andy now! ** ps.: I ain't no LESBO aite! =) **Well, since it has been a long time since we last met, we decided to sit somewhere to talk about everything! Heh! =)) So, Starbucks it was. Both of us had Steamed Milk + CarameL! [Which should be available at all Starbucks outlet] Yummy! So we sat there and talking and drinking was all that we did! Heh!=) And my dearest Farisha reminded me of the 'Da Da Dady' song! AAARRGGHH! That song is FOREVER AND EVER stucked in my head! Heh!After that.. We did some window shopping to let time pass by.Then we headed to Sinma to get some ear studs. Over at that shop, Farisha learned a new song! And it was such an irritating and brain-washing song mann!It TOTALLY brainwashed Farisha's mind! Seriously.It was something about Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken and Mac Donald's.Well, glad that I can't remember how it sounds like now. Heh=)While on our way home, somewhere at the park, we saw Joshua and some of the others from 4e1. Ouh Ouh. And before that, we saw Kay Xian and his, should be, new friends. Heh.Well, the world is just tOo small huh?Anyway, me, being the usual Hungry Ghost, was very hungry!! Hee! Cause all I had since morning was the steamed milk.So, in the end, we had Soto Ayam and desserts at Food Palace!!We had waffle ice cream! Weeee!I've been wanting to eat that mann!And finally, my wish was fulfilled! Heeee!=))Finally headed home. Where all the boredom starts.But! It wasn't that bad actually. We, the 3 sisters, had a MOVIE MARATHON.Heh! So in the end, we slept at around 5am in the morning. =)) Me and my dearest Farisha=))
My new cuddly companion.
Monday, June 09, 2008 Weeee!! =))Hmm..BBQ WITH G804 WAS GREAT!=))Well, I enjoyed myself!Heee! =DEspecially doing the FANNING!!LOL!I think that can be my part time job already lah!Heh!=))Quoted from HaiCurl: I CAN OPEN A SATAY STALL!!LOL!=)Although my arms are like aching right now!Seriously. Maybe it was because I didn't do any warming ups before the fanning!LOL!Hmm.. I wonder when did I last did my warm-ups sia!And guess what?I TOTALLY MISS NETBALL!!Sigh. Anyway..Have a safe trip to malaysia aite! =))And have fun tOo! =)Take care of yourself and don't fall sick again!Sorry I didn't say anything special to you cause seriously, "special words" can't just be forced out of someone. Cause it must come from the bottom-est of our hearts!Heh!=)Anyways..Don't miss me tOo much hor! =PLaLALaLaLALaLaLaLALALA....
Friday, June 06, 2008 Aww mann!AAARRGGHH!!WASTED 10 + 1 MARKS FOR IWD JUST NOW!!10 marks for the whole of question B1 and 1mark for one of the MCQ!WHAT THE CRAP!?Anyway.. I don't know WHY THE BLOODY HELL I changed my MCQ answer.LOL!Itchy finger I guess!Heh! =SAnyway..Yesterday, in the end, I reached home around 8pm!!And I DIDN'T EVEN STUDY ANYTHING for IWD despite bringing my notes to the hospital!LOL!Well, I mean I just couldn't concentrate lah!So IRRITATING!!hhuurrmmpphhh!!So, in the end, I didn't study the benefits of Intelligent Workplaces cause I had too little time to study!So I just studied some parts only.And sadly, I left out the wrong question.WHAT??!!AWW MANN!!Well.. Hopefully, I CAN PASS THE IWD PAPER!Heeee!!That is all that I want right now.=)Ouh Ouh!Can't wait for tomorrow though!hee!Our first ever barbeque as a CLASS!!WEEE!!I LOVE G804!Heh!! =))
Thursday, June 05, 2008 AAARRGGHH!!AWW MANN! Stupid ESFAC!! Heh! Never liked that subject ever since I went to the first ESFAC lecture!!
I thought we aren't tested for topic 4. So, I didn't even look at topic 4 lah. But in the end, I LOST 5 or 6 marks cause there were around three questions that were based on topic 4!! Like.. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!! Heh! But.. WHO CARES? It's over anyway! Wee!!
Tomorrow, I will be having my final paper! WOOT WOOT! IWD that is. Must TRY to memorise as much as possible! Heh!=))
Ouh Ouh! And I can't wait for Saturday to arrive! Weee!!
Waiting for me family to siap siap cause wanna go hospital to visit my grandpa. Hope I can absorb as much information for my IWD paper tomorrow. And hopefully, we won't stay too long at the hospital. If not, I won't be able to study. =S Hmm.. I wonder if I will terserempak Hykal there? LOL! =)
To HIM! So sorry! But! DO GET WELL REAL SOON AITE!=)) And I promise that I will always be there for you as a friend for now.=)
Monday, June 02, 2008 DilemmaHmm..Math was okay I guess.Although im afraid of making careless mistakes.I mean.. LIKE DUHH! Of course I will make careless mistakes!Im a human being what..LOL!Hmm..Thanks to Mr Phua, I think I can understand ESFAC better now.Although im still not fully sure!Sigh!Hope the stupid 3 phase load never come out mann!Heeee!! =))Hmm.. Anyway, to HIM.. I will try me best okay? Hope you really really understand my situation right now. =)) I also wouldn't want to distract you since you are gonna sit for the important exam real soon=) anyways.. ALL THE BEST!=D Well.. Let's try to start everything all over again after your Os.. If that helps.Hmm.. Does that mean i'll finally get to see him?Hmm.. Who knows?