
Sunday, July 30, 2006

[ ~ Outward Bound Singapore ~ ]

Ermz... torture was what came to my mind whenever i see or hear the word OBS... At first, i was kind of reluctant to go to OBS. But i made up my mind to go as i am an adventurous person. Khe Khe Khe... And since i did not go for the last year's OBS trip. i think that i MUST go now!! Or else, what if there is no another chance?...

I packed all my stuffs last-minute. HeHeHe... Luckily i managed to get all the stuffs... Phew... After packing everythin, i was wondering how the heck do i carry my bloOdy darn big bag tml?... Ahh.. what the heck. I will find the solution tml...

I woke up the next day feeling extremely happy. I can feel myself glowing. Instead of the usual feeling of not wanting to wake up and go to school. After walking a few steps, someone tapped my shoulder from behind. It was my friend Sharon. So, she was the one that helped me with my bag. Really thankful to her mann!!

So, everybody was so happy lining up at the car porch. Then we boarded the bus. My class went last thanks to Mr Jae coz he put all of the 3e3s in the same bus!! hehehe... When we reached the jetty, we became more excited. Finally, we reach the OBS campsite itself. After settling the stuffs and after the teachers left, the instructors divided us into our groups.

One by one, my classmate was separated from me. I was the last few. I turned behind and was kind of dissappointed to see that i was the only one left from 3e3. That means that i will have to survive on my own without the company of any of my classmate. But, what the heck. 1 of the reasons for OBS is to make new friends.

Finally, i heard my name being called. My group was Da-Gama. I was very very very happy and satisfied when i got into that group as my bestfriends are also in the same group as me!! yippee!!

Okaes.. the first activity that made us learn to trust each other was 'Trust faLLing'. One teammate will stand on a platform while the others will be standing below, holding a mat. The person on the platform will then fall backwards onto the mat. The activity was quite fun. So, this was what we did on the first day and there is more to go for the other days. Stay tune..

The fellow Da-Gamas: Shan, Faris, Dave, Apek, Jonathan, Zainul, Zhi Hao, Joel, Guo Han, Syaza, Eric, Sarena, Sharfirin, Wanny, Xi Min, Ain and Aqilah

FormaL FotO

InFormaL FotO


* SaraPhiNe=) *
* 23 Jan 91 *
* 18 Years *
* Temasek PoLy *
* InteLLigent BuiLding Tech=)) *

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