
Thursday, January 19, 2006

UnLucky Day Of Mine

Okies.. here i am doing my first post. Hmm.. we are supposed to have the netbaLL tournament today. We had no choice but to Leave the haLL haLf an hour earLy to get ready and aLL.. So, we had to 'sacrifice' and not to see the surprise performance mrs kavitha was saying but she did not elaborate on it, so that what makes me feel more curious. So, i went down feeLing very sad as i thought that after changing into our jersey, aLL of us wouLd have to go straight to Dunman sec. But actuaLLy, we are aLLowed to buy some food so that we wiLL not feeL very hungry during the tournament.

While we are buying our Lunch, we heard cLappings n cheerings and we knew that it was the surprise performance and since some of the netbaLLers are not ready to go yet, we took this opportunity to see the performance. I think that the teachers that took part in this performance have done a good job... hehe.. especiaLLy mrs shankar..

After watching the performance, we quickly went to dunman sec. When we arrived there.. we did some stretching so that there wiLL be a Lesser risk of us getting injured. We just started our warm up when the rain came. Since it was onLy a drizzLe, we continued our warm ups. The rain was pouring more and more each time. So, we were toLd to stop our warm ups and get into the schooL buiLding. We waited and waited but the rain did not stop.

The peopLe in charge toLd our teacher that they wiLL decide whether we are going to have our tournament today by 3.30pm. We waited but the rain did not stop by 3.30pm. Since the rain is very heavy and the fLoor is very wet, they toLd us that our tournament is post-poned to this coming Saturday at 8am. Despite moaning and groaning, we wiLL stiLL have to play on Saturday in the morning... haiz... WeLL, at Least we wouLd have time to practice. :)

At 4pm, the rain stopped. We decided to stay for the match between Loyang and CoraL. We are going against both teams and so, by watching them, maybe we are abLe to spot their strengths and weakness. At about 5pm, Liana, Anati, Aziqah and me decided to go home since we are very hungry. hehe..

After Leaving that schooL, we went to KFC to buy our food. Nyum Nyum!! hehe.. Since i was aLready Late, I decided not to eat there. I went home feeLing very tired as i had a reaLLy Long day. haiz.. After eating, here comes the homework. So.. bye bye to aLL of you peeps. Gotta do my homework now.. haiz!!


* SaraPhiNe=) *
* 23 Jan 91 *
* 18 Years *
* Temasek PoLy *
* InteLLigent BuiLding Tech=)) *

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