
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

me burfdae...

This is my third post.. hehe..

Today is my birthday and my first day for parade commanding on 2006. hehe.. I was very curious as I feLt more scared, even though I have done this before, compared to Last year when it was my first time to do the parade commanding. First thing in the morning, whiLe I was waLking to schooL, I rehearsed the pledge in my heart as I was scared that I wiLL go wrong when I say the pLedge. Then, it wouLd be very embarrassing.. haiz..

I reached schooL and started preparing myseLf. I had aLready forgotten that today is my birthday, as I was too concerned about the parade commanding, untiL feLina came to me and wished me happy birthday and gave me presents. I started to 'bLush' as she gave me a haLf hug and when my friends started to wish me happy birthday. hehe..

Time to go up. The Last thing for me to do is to go up there and say the pLedge. haiz.. But i had no choice and so, i just went up there with my fingers crossed. hehe.. I wiLL aLways have a sore throat every morning. Though i am not too sure why.. That was why I was feeLing very, very scared to say the pLedge as it wiLL be darn embarrassing to 'Loose' your voice in front of the upper secs.. hahaz..

My voice was kind of rough when i said "schooL, watch the front".. So embarrassing!! But I was aLso very Lucky as Shafiq did say the pLedge, not too Loud though, behind me and i treated that as a 'guideLine' so that i wiLL not go wrong when saying the pLedge as anyone can go wrong when they are feeLing nervous even though they say it every morning. haha..

FinaLLy, its over!! yay!! But I stiLL have two more days to do the parade commanding untiL it comes to another person's turn. haiz.. I just hope that nothing goes wrong. When we were reading the articLe, shouted my name from the back just to wish me happy birthday, it was very embarrassing sey.. hehe..

I received 3 presents.. hehe.. One from Xiao Qiang, k.x, feLina, deLaiLa and another from hafiz. hehe.. Liked aLL of the presents. After schooL we had bioLogy and my friends actuaLLy sang me a birthday song. (after the cLass ended) hehe.. So pai seh sey.. hahaz..

Time to go home. I couLd not wait to return home and open up aLL my presents.. haha.. So, that is aLL for now..


* SaraPhiNe=) *
* 23 Jan 91 *
* 18 Years *
* Temasek PoLy *
* InteLLigent BuiLding Tech=)) *

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