
Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm so tired!!

Kaez.. here i am doing my second post. Today, the C division girLs had their first east-zone tournament. They had their match at KaLLang NetbaLL Centre. I went aLong as i had to teLL the shooters some basic stuffs and aLso 'supervise' them when they are practising their shooting. We had to go to the foyer immediateLy when the schooL ends as we are toLd that the bus is going to Leave straight away after schooL.

We boarded the bus and it was quite a Long journey. I was quite shocked when i heard that the match was going to start at 5pm and was wondering why we had to Leave schooL so earLy. WeLL, we are on the way anyway. It was very bored in the bus as there were onLy 4 B division girLs in the bus.

We finaLLy reached there and my butt was very sore after going through the 'hump' that the bus went over. I can see that the C girLs are very happy and nervous at the same time. We started with some warm ups and we did some baLL passes. I 'trained' the shooters and after that we had our rest.

I gLanced at my watch and it shows 5pm. That means that the tournament was going to start very soon. Even though i am not the one that is pLaying, i am the one that feeLs very scared and nervous. haha..

Then, the game started. I was the scorer and i was damn bLur sitting down there. I was supposed to write E and O or something like that bt i went to write the scores as one of my friends instructed me to do that.. hehe.. WeLL, at least now i know what to do after my experience.

WeLL, we lost at last. I think the reason was that some did not look where they are passing the ball to and some started to panick when they get the ball. But its ok because this was their first tournament and not friendly a match. (maybe thera is a different for them)

FinaLLy, the game ended. Its time to go home! Yay!! hehe.. It was so tiring mann!! By the time we reached outside junyuan sec, its already bout 7pm. So, i quickly walk home sia.. because it is so scary to walk near my block when its getting dark. It is so quiet and dark too. But not when u walk at the void decks ah.

Oh no!! I stiLL have not do my homework yet!! I am a dead meat!! And I stiLL have tonnes of them!!! haiz.. Okaylah.. better to do them now.. If not, i wiLL not be sLeeping for today. hehe..


* SaraPhiNe=) *
* 23 Jan 91 *
* 18 Years *
* Temasek PoLy *
* InteLLigent BuiLding Tech=)) *

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