
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

tHaiLanD viSiTors.. kEwL..

today.. First thing in the morning, the BBS was supposed to heLp Chester give out some stuffs or shouLd i say.. some surveys. WeLL.. the truth is that feLina was asked by mr siLva but when she saw me coming to schooL.. guessed she have decided to ask heLp.. hehe. After that.. we invited tiff and dee aLong..

then.. We came to cLass Late bcoz we were toLd by mr siLva.. again.. to go up to 4n1 for some stuffs.. so, we cLimbed aLL the way up.. haiz.. up up and away.. When we reached our cLass, we had to do the surveys.. BORIN!! So.. i just any-o-how shade. Then after doing the survey.. we were asked to go for a veri short meeting as we are inviting the thai students Later on that day..

We survived the taLks by mrs oh and ms kanni n the rockets wanna BEs competition done by the sec 1s.. hehe. Soon.. it was finaLLy time to go home.. bt we cant.. so sad.. haiz.. 1st.. we had drama practice and i was asked to take farah's roLe for a whiLe.

We were stiLL practising the play when we Looked at the cLock and it shows 1.50 pm. We are supposed to invite the thais at 1.45pm.. We are so dead meat. When the play ends, we quickLy rushed to the car porch. We were very shocked to see the bus empty.. Then.. we finaLLy found them in the meeting room.. Phew..

WhiLe mrs oh was giving her taLk.. dee spotted a handsome guy.. hehe. So matured even though he is a sec2 boy.. DefiniteLy more matured than our sec 2 boys in Jyss.. hehe. So we tried to mingLe with the cute guy.. and it was kinda.. successfuL.. hehe..

after the tour.. we had performances then.. we had a light refreshments.. we aLso had a small souveneir.. heh.. a very cute one too.. dats when the fun part starts.. we aLL mingLe with the students and it was veri veri fun.. then.. some counciLors gave thier schooL badge to them in memory of the schooL and themseLves.. so touching.. aww.. feLina forced me to give the cute guy my badge but i was too shy.. hehe.. aniwaez.. got his emaiL add.. kewL..

niwaez.. FinaLLy finished changing my bLogskin as it took me quite a very Long time for me to compLete it.. haiz..


* SaraPhiNe=) *
* 23 Jan 91 *
* 18 Years *
* Temasek PoLy *
* InteLLigent BuiLding Tech=)) *

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