
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

tHaiLanD viSiTors.. kEwL..

today.. First thing in the morning, the BBS was supposed to heLp Chester give out some stuffs or shouLd i say.. some surveys. WeLL.. the truth is that feLina was asked by mr siLva but when she saw me coming to schooL.. guessed she have decided to ask heLp.. hehe. After that.. we invited tiff and dee aLong..

then.. We came to cLass Late bcoz we were toLd by mr siLva.. again.. to go up to 4n1 for some stuffs.. so, we cLimbed aLL the way up.. haiz.. up up and away.. When we reached our cLass, we had to do the surveys.. BORIN!! So.. i just any-o-how shade. Then after doing the survey.. we were asked to go for a veri short meeting as we are inviting the thai students Later on that day..

We survived the taLks by mrs oh and ms kanni n the rockets wanna BEs competition done by the sec 1s.. hehe. Soon.. it was finaLLy time to go home.. bt we cant.. so sad.. haiz.. 1st.. we had drama practice and i was asked to take farah's roLe for a whiLe.

We were stiLL practising the play when we Looked at the cLock and it shows 1.50 pm. We are supposed to invite the thais at 1.45pm.. We are so dead meat. When the play ends, we quickLy rushed to the car porch. We were very shocked to see the bus empty.. Then.. we finaLLy found them in the meeting room.. Phew..

WhiLe mrs oh was giving her taLk.. dee spotted a handsome guy.. hehe. So matured even though he is a sec2 boy.. DefiniteLy more matured than our sec 2 boys in Jyss.. hehe. So we tried to mingLe with the cute guy.. and it was kinda.. successfuL.. hehe..

after the tour.. we had performances then.. we had a light refreshments.. we aLso had a small souveneir.. heh.. a very cute one too.. dats when the fun part starts.. we aLL mingLe with the students and it was veri veri fun.. then.. some counciLors gave thier schooL badge to them in memory of the schooL and themseLves.. so touching.. aww.. feLina forced me to give the cute guy my badge but i was too shy.. hehe.. aniwaez.. got his emaiL add.. kewL..

niwaez.. FinaLLy finished changing my bLogskin as it took me quite a very Long time for me to compLete it.. haiz..

haIz.. sO bOrin siA...

okaez.. today was supposed to accompany my mom and my grandaunt go to GeyLang.. but when i Looked at the weather.. dont feeL Like it coz.. i hate it when i go to GeyLang and it rains.. whu Likes it aniwaez?.. hmm..

the ground wiLL be fiLLed with dirty water or mud.. eeww.. that is uLtimateLy disgusting.. then.. my jeans wiLL get wet.. mie cLothes wiLL get wet too.. haiz.. so.. decided to rest at home since i had diarrhoea in the morning and so.. feLt very weak as my stomach is empty..

hmm.. yest was quite fun though.. my 2 sisters and i decided to cLean our room since we are Left with onLy a few days to hari raya.. yay!! hehe.. we reaLLy did throw quite a Lot of things.. bout.. 2 big(quite) boxes.. woah.. bt at Least we got more space to put new stuffs.. hehe..

the bad thing was that we are not abLe to move the furnitures in our room unLess after 2 weeks after the hari raya starts.. how sad.. that's bcoz my sista has to concentrate on her 'A's.. haiz..

Saturday, October 22, 2005

mIe rEsuLtS..

hmm.. okaez.. today finaLLy got aLL of my resuLts.. i m not happy with my science and maths resuLts (when totaL up aLready ah).. i got B for both.. haiz.. Lyk this how to go 3e3 next year sia.. we aLso have other competitors from different cLasses..

haiz.. i reaLLy hoped that me and my 3 other friends (BBS).. can be in the same cLass next year.. if not.. we wiLL be reaLLy missing each other sia.. coz.. even though we are friends for onLy 1 year.. it feLt as though we are friends for a very Long time aLready.. hehe.. haiz..

so.. we aLso pLanning to choose the same cLass next year since our resuLts are sLightLy the same.. hehe.. bt the probLem is that i am not too sure whether i can quaLify.. hmm.. niwaez.. i may be considering going to dnt cLass next year!! haha.. but not too sure whether i can cope it or not ah.. coz.. when we were asked to do the bridge.. i moan and groan aLready.. wad about other projects that is even tougher?? hmm..

haiz.. i tink i shouLd have study Like heLL for the mid-yr exams.. coz.. bcoz of my mid-yr.. my science and my maths was puLLed down.. haiz.. then we are aLso not abLe to discuss the subject combination with our parents as we wiLL be doing it in schooL.. HAIZ...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

yada.. yada.. yada..


hehehe... hmm.. today was kinda boring.. didnt go to skooL coz i didnt feeL like goin.. hehe.. haiz.. so stayed at home and used der comp.. i aLso heard mr silva's voice when i was surfing the net.. haha.. no wonder der residents compLain that our skooL made a Lot of noise.. not onLy bcoz of the national anthem bt aLso mr silva's voice.. hehe..

whiLe i was using the comp.. i heard mie home beLL rang n forced my younger brother to open the door.. hehe.. eviL me.. when he opened the door he was Like going "bu in.. bu in.."(caLLing me in another term).. so i decided to check it out.. when i peeped at the haLf open door.. i saw feLina.. tiffany n deLaila.. hehe.. was quite shocked though.. didnt expect them..

so.. i went to take some things n go check y they were there.. hmm.. found out that they wanted to give me OBS registration form.. was damn shocked to hear that.. coz i thought that OBS are onLy for sec 3 students.. so.. i asked them whether i can escape it n they toLd me that it was COMPULSORY!! NO!!.. haiz.. weLL.. what am i supposed to do??..

thay were here aLso bcoz of some updates.. hmm.. gLad that i have friends Like them.. ~touched~ hehe.. hmm... maybe i shouLd not come to skooL more often huh..?? hehe.. since the OBS is compulsory.. guessed dat i have made up my mind to go.. unLess i have any medicaL stuffs or what crap Lah.. bt hoped not.. coz i might be enjoying myseLf there..

hmm.. shouLd i go to skooL tmL?.. oh ya.. i think i shouLd.. coz.. we are gonna get some of our resuLts tml!! YIPPEE.. hehe.. i reaLLy.. reaLLy hope that i did good.. coz i reaLLy dont wanna be separated from my friends.. haiz..

Sunday, October 16, 2005

finaLLy.. iTs oVer!! yIppee..

kaez.. i juz cant bLieve dat everithin ish over.. over.. over!! haiz.. i've been waitin fer tis veri dae where.. mie Lyf wiLL b as free as b4!! fer now.. i reaLLy haf to enjoy mieseLf coz after dat.. its tym fer our resuLts!! n i hope dat i pass everithin sia..

bt i feel so bored after xamz sia.. coz dunno wad to do at home.. hmm.. at der same tym we oso fastin.. so.. cant eat!! den if wanna go jaLan jaLan oso veri borin coz onLi made me feeLveri der tired n oso hungry!! haha..

yest.. went out wif mie mom.. sis.. n mie bro.. we went to find rayer cLothes n shoppin fer accessoriez.. it was veri tirin sia.. bt at Least we managed to find some nice nice baju.. phew..

haiz.. dunno wad to rite oreadi ah.. mie brain cramp oreadi..

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

2dAe hAd eNg XamZ.. aNd iT wAs qUiTe diFF aH.. ha|z..

hmm.. had engLish end-of-year xamz.. n der paper was quite tough.. weLL.. dat ish wad i tink Lah.. hmm.. tried mie bez in answerin aLL der quests n it was successfuL.. howeva.. i tink dat i did badLy fer der eng paper 2.. i m juz not too sure wads are some of der ans fer der comprehension..

haiz.. i m so der scared as i reaLLy.. reaLLy wanna pass eng.. weLL.. whu doesn't ritez?.. coz.. if i dun pass it.. ~choy~.. i wiLL be minced meat.. haiz.. weLL.. guess dere ish nuttin i can do as.. wad ish over.. ish over.. as i can't turn back tym.. can't i? so.. juz haf to study fer der rest of der xamz..

hmm.. so.. i may or may not be updatin mie bLoggie as got not enuf tym ah.. and oso.. it wiLL oreadi be der fastin mnth!! coz.. we wiLL be fastin in bout 2 daes tym!! woah.. now dat ish veri fast.. der nxt thin i noe ish dat.. xamz are over!! n i seriousLy can't wait fer dat.. hehe..

Saturday, October 01, 2005

yAy!! oUr briDge cAn aT LeasT wiThsTand a WeiGht oF 15 kG!!

haiz.. 2dae skOoL was so der damn borin sia.. geography was surprisingLy.. veri borin coz we went through some self-test thingy and mrs Lu oso reach our cLaz Late dunno why ah.. niwaez.. we had 3 whoLe periods of eng n not even a singLe person toLd me dat 2dae no need to brin history!!! haiz.. waste mie energy oni sia..

den.. mathz was so der borin coz we had to do some revision dats ish veri borin Lah!! after skooL.. we had to cLear up aLL der books underneath der tabLe coz mondae wiLL be our eng examz!! haiz.. so stressfuL sia.. den.. it was a cLean sweep ah.. coz i cLeared everithin.. incLudin der fiLes oso...

tsk.. tsk.. tsk.. juz now in cLaz veri der kecoh sia.. PpLe kept askin why i n fariq nvr come skOoL yest.. den dey sae we go 'honeymoon' lah.. crap lah mie cLaz.. den got 1 more outbreakin news.. shaun like jing xin.. hahakz.. dat statement was made by farah.. haha.. aniwaez.. it was juz crap lah.. we entertainin ourseLves durin mathz Lesson.. coz it was totaLLie borin!!

hmm... actuaLLie got anoder outbreakin news... somebody cried!! obviousLLy u aLL noe whu Lah.. she guiLty oreadi den stiLL got der nerves to cry some more..

haiz.. these things stiLL nvr teach her a Lesson sia... so.. she had to go fer.. sorta.. "counciLLin" lah.. by a teacher coz der teacher doesn't noe der truth bout her...

niwaez.. we decided to put dat case away coz.. no use entertainin PpLe of those type ah.. bt me curious sia.. she used to be so nice.. bt wad had happen to her hmm??.. or mayb i juz dunno her true coLours so i thot she veri nice ah..

aniwaez.. as Long as she nvr sae bad things bout me can oreadi.. if she did.. i'LL kiLL her mann!! hehe.. or mayb i'LL consider dat ah.. niwaez.. mie bridge can at Least withstand a weight of 15 kg!!!!! yay!! woOhoO!!! i m so der happi sia!!!


* SaraPhiNe=) *
* 23 Jan 91 *
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