Friday, August 29, 2008 Happy Teachers' Day!Okay. Today I went back to my secondary school with Ndiy and Farisha!Hmm.. It has been so long since I last saw those two. Miss them soo Larr! Heh=))Hmm.. Honestly, the concert was kinda boring. LOL!Sorry people.. But that's the truth.Heh! But it wasn't so bad either.=)So.. We saw many many old friends there.And of course.. Took many many photos!And I got to take photos with Mrs Low and my HONEY!!Haha! =)Hmm.. Mrs Tan is pregnant, again.Haha! And I miss all those teachers who taught me!Apparently, most of them are not teaching there anymore.How sad. Most of the teachers are new. Like.. So not fun lah! Sigh.Okay. After this and that. The three of us, Ndiy, Farisha and Me, went to get bubble tea!Cause it feels like its been ages since we last sat together and have bubble tea. ahakz!And the sad thing is that we can no more sit at the bubble tea shop itself cause they removed all those tables and chairs there. How very sad uh? So instead! We made our way to TP!Cause my dearest Ndiy wanted to check TP out!So Farisha and Me became a part time tour guides and we brought Ndiy to Flavours at ITAS. We had our lunch there and chit chatted!We talked about this and that.Anything that crossed our minds.. Were shared between us three.=))So, after lunch, we went to explore TP. Haha!Cause we had nothing better to do luh..Also! Ndiy made a new friend.A small boy whom we thought was a man at first. LOL!It was so darn funny lah.The amusing thing was that all three of us thought that that boy was a man.Ahahakz! Hmm.. Too bad that we didn't go anywhere else after that. Sigh. Cause everyone was so darn restless.Must be because of the late night studying that we did for one whole week.Well.. Glad that its finally over!Haha! =)) Me and Honey!=))
Thursday, August 28, 2008 Sigh.Okay. The exams sucked. TotaLLy! =S
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 I LOVE MY BESTIE JOCELYN!! =))Well.. Today, I FINALLY GOT TO MEET UP WITH MY SECONDARY SCHOOL BESTIEE, JOCELYN!! WEEEE!! =))HUGS HUGS was how we greeted one another!OMG! Was thinking. When was the last time I last went out with her?Err.. Actually, we've never gone out together before! Despite us being BESTIES!How can that be possible mann!!?? BUT! The bottomline is that Im seriously ELATED to have met her just now!!After the salutations, we decided to have lunch together! KFC was our choice.But then! When we reached the KFC near TP, it was so packed with TP people!So instead! We changed our minds to MacD!But then! Again! It was packed with I don't know who! Darn it!How could this possibly be happening on our first meet up after so long!Sigh! So, our final decision was to go to Food Palace.Hmm.. Suddenly! I needed a bubble tea to quench my thirst!Cannot tahan babe! Too thirsty! So we went A1 to get ourselves a bubble tea each! Yum Yum! Can you imagine it? We went round and round around Tampines! Haha! We were from Junyuan Sec then to KFC then to MacD then to A1 Chendol then FINALLY to Food Palace to have our lunch! Haha!During our lunch together.. We had a chit chat session!Talk about this! Talk about that! And! We talked about everything and anything under the sun that first comes to our mind!Cause seriously, there's just TOO many things to catch up on mann!After lunch, we were trying to search for somewhere peaceful to have our camwhoring session!Haha! Cause the both of us promised to take LOADS and LOADS of photos when we meet up.Turned right.. we see Jyss people. Turned left.. we STILL see Jyss people. Aiyoyo. No matter where we turn, up down top bottom left right centre. All the places were invaded by Jyss people! Haha! Although that's the LAST thing that we want uh. Which is to see familiar faces! LOL! So finally, we decided to head to my block. So we Lepak-ed under my block.At first, we didn't know how to pose. LOL! Can that even be possible? haha!Then. After warming ups! We couldn't stop taking photos!Haha! But! It was super fun luh!We took photos like there is no tomorrow I tell you!Hee!** Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. Author: Sydney J. Harris **Well, I very much agree on this! And! Im so so so glad that I met you just now. Cause Im sure that I will regret it if I didn't meet up with you. You're just the sweetest bestie on the PLANET! Thanks bestie! FOR EVERYTHING! =)) And sorry for making you wait for 3 YEARS to take photos and meet up with me! Heh! =S Well, now we have LOADS of photos together!!! Hmm.. Well.. Honestly, Im very thankful that I met a preson like you. You're very unique in your own way. And I appreciate you the way you are. Im glad that I can be there for you when you need someone by your side. And I will try to continue to be that person supporting you in whatever you do. Despite us not meeting one another that often, I do hope that our friendship will last forever. I thank you for the every little things that you've done for me. From, teaching me how to sing my favourite chinese song, all the way to, tolerating my nonsense. Heh=P I would like to express all my gratitudes and I don't wanna take our friendship for granted.=) Thanks Bestie! You're the best! Love ya! =))  
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 HmmMmmm..Well, been kinda busy these few days.Or shall I say, weeks? Haha. Plus! Life's been TOO normal lately.So there's nothing much to talk about actually.So, decided to NOT blog for now. Haha.Just something random. I totally MISS my old buddies like ANDY, FARISHA and JOCELYN!Sigh. And! The other sad thing is that.. EXAMS ARE IN 2 WEEKS TIME!! Oh god! Better start studying. Especially CKT! Haha! Ouh Ouh!And I think that HE'S SUPER CUTE LARR!!Gosh!Too bad he's from another country huh? LOL!Well, we can still be friends I guess? =))