Friday, August 25, 2006 * so fun but, tiring too...... *hmm.. After school, we went to the Intercontinental hotel! haha.. Okae.. we were supposed to check the ballroom there, but when we reached there, we were told that the ballroom was under renovation. Wasted...
But before that, we went to concourse to get some stuffs there. Actually, i didnt even know that such place existed. Hehehe.. The place is so ULU.. hehe..
Haish.. all of us was feeling very hungry. Cannot 'tahan' anymore sia. So, we went to eat at the foodcourt nearby.
Felina and me ordered food made by someone who looks like one of our friend. So funny sia. She looked exactly the same. Hahaha.. Then both Felina and me was getting so excited about this.
Then, as per normal, we had desserts! Yay.. I bet that each of the BBS will become fat if we always go out with Mr Jae sia. Hahaha.. Confirm Chop Chop..
Then, finally we went back from Bugis at about 8+ and finally reached home about 10. It was tiring but it was damn fun. Hehe.. The hotel was also worth entering. Hahaha..
Saturday, August 19, 2006 OohH greaT...YAY!!!!
i passed my ss re-test with flying 6 MARKS over 12 MARKS!!
haha.. she said that she was gonna give us 6 marks even though if we didwonderfully for that
test.. coz accordin to her, its unfair for the others..
aLthough i kinda agree with that.. =)
but.. whatever it is..
i pass.. i pass.. i pass..
hahahaha.. =P
aniwaez.. how wonderfuL ish dat?!!
Coz.. i have never ever ever ever passed ss in mie whole entire life..
khe khe khe...............
haish... at least one more subject that i passed..
hahahaha.. =)
Friday, August 18, 2006 ....................................haish..i totallie CMI for my physics test how how? so dead dead dead...!!!='(
Thursday, August 17, 2006 * SicKeniNg mE *Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sickIm so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick Im so sick
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 ** Soo Tired **hmmz.. today was such a tiring day for me..
First of all, in school, we had this debate thingy. I was half excited and half frightened. Hahaha.. After the first group went, my teacher was damn angry. Coz he thinks that nobody learned anything from that debate. It was like a waste of his and the whole class's time.
For me, it was quite scary. However, to certain people, my teacher was not that harsh though. But that words of his really taught me a lesson. So, i was so determined to find more and more information for my topic: Should parents be allowed to educate their children at home?
And one more thing, guess who is my opposition?.. haha.. It is my sister.. Delaila. Together with See Wee and kx.. Hahaha.. Well, even though she is my sister, both of us will not give way to each other. Hahaha.. We still must do our very best. Hehehe...
Then, right after that, i had netball. It was quite fun though. Maybe it was because of my LONG absentee from that cca. Hahaha.. The training was also not that tough. Too bad we had too little time for the game. We also trained in the drizzle. It was soo fun.. Haha.. it has been a long time since we played in the rain. Hahaha...
Haish.. at home, i had a hard time finding the information and also simplifying the words of information for the debate. So that it is easier for us to deliver it to the class and so that it is understandable.
Hmm.. i finished simplifying the thingy at aboutz 12am. It was so tiring. Hmm.. Poor Wei Ling coz she had to wait for me to finish simplifying the information so that she can find someone to print it, since she doesnt know how to simplify the words.
Haish... finally time for me to get some rest... =)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 !! OooHH NooOO !!OooHH NooOO!!
i'm so gonna fail my chemistry and ss..
i mean, what for have retest for ss when there isn't much time given for the students to even finish the question..
and when we cant even finish the question, how does she expects us to even pass the bLoOdy test?..
Tell me someone.. even my friend, the best student, agrees that the time given was not sufficient...
Monday, August 14, 2006 ~ simpLy BORING ~sundae was just as boring as each and every sundaes i have ever experienced.. haish..
Saturday, August 12, 2006 * SUPER Fridae *haish.. how i wish that we will have this type of outings more frequently as i really think that i need to relieve all my stress!! haha..
this outing was even made more exciting as felina was also invited to come along!! yay!! It has been a long time since we spent time together as the BBS!! haha..
well.. first we went to eat at breeks!! Boi we were all starving like hungry ghosts. Delaila's and Tiffany's son set eyes on a lady called Michelle or sumthing. However, he should be setting his eyes on the older lady there, since he prefers the more matured and rotten n ripen "gurls"!! haha..
we had loads of entertainment there. He gave us regions or countries from where he think we came from. it was very funny though. we really talk ourselves out in that restaurant. after that, we had desserts!!
we were eating the desserts as fast as possible as our clock shows that it was nearly 9 pm.. which is when the fireworks at marina bay will start!! Yippee!! cant wait for it.. khe khe khe..
we were waiting for thebill when suddenly Delaila's n Tiffany's son spoke.. "but i don't here the 'BOOM!' 'BOOM!'".. right after those words left his mouth, we heard the BOOM! BOOM! sound..
he told us to go first and that he will settle the bill first.. how nice.. without waiting any moment to pass, all of us quickly rushed out of the restaurant and ran outside marina square to get a clear view.
wow.. woah.. aaahh.. soo nice.. that was what came outta my mouth when i saw the fireworks. it was so darn nice. and to think about it, it only lasted for about 10 minutes.. how sad.
we took lots and lots and lots of fotos. we also haf one very nice retarded foto..
after that, we walked around the esplanade and the area there. we ate a very huge cotton candy which was melting on the way while we were walking. haha. no wonder i noticed that it looks as if it was shrinking.
then.. the son took one foto of me posing as the merlion, as if i was the one spitting out all the gallons and gallons of saliva.. but it was nice though.
after that, it was time to go home. how sad. in the train, we remembered that we have school tml!! aaah!!! bt in the end, i didnt turn up.. coz i ent to study.. well.. that's another story.. =)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 gOod times n bad times.. aLL in One dae...Haish.. After Bio class, we went to the canteen to decorate our stalls for tml's National Day celebrations.
Ermz.. Most of the people were already out of the school as it was already after 6pm. But some of my classmates and me were still doing the cloth thingy for 3e3. Finally, we were chased by the security as they said that the graduating students will be here any minute as they are doing their night studies in school.
The rest of my friends went out of school except for Tiff, Dee and me. We were actually waiting for Mr Jae for i dunnoe what thing.
While waiting for i dunnoe what, Mr Wong came out of the office. When he saw us, instead of going home, he sat with us and we chit chatted. It was so fun as all kinds of jokes came out. After much talking, i lost track of the time. When i glanced at my watch, it was already 7 plus!! Hahaha..
So, all of us decided to part. Mr Wong walked to his car while Mr jae, Tiff, Dee n me walked to the gate. We decided to go eat dinner together as all of us were feeling super duper hungry. While eating at the nearby food court, we chit and chat n chit and chat. It was quite fun though as we chit and chat boutz all kinds of stuffs. And he blanja-ed us ice kachang.
Finally, i reached home at boutz 10. And that was when the bad time of my life started. Haish.. Dun wanna talk boutz it..
The thing is that.. I cant wait for tml!! Haha.. It's not everyday that we get to tend 4 stalls and run here and there around the schools!! Hahahaha... And after tml.. we only return back to school on friday. How short and pathetic is that?.. TOTALLY!!
Saturday, August 05, 2006 * Captain Sparrow *10 HOTTEST GUYS IN THE WORLD!!
wEapOn bEz rEpReSeNt mE.. Your personality is best represented by the Japanese dagger, called a Tanto. A person who wields a Tanto knows better than anyone that you cant judge on appearance alone. You have the unique ability to see the full potential in people and objects long before anyone else has a clue. You are clever and are probably underestimated a lot by others, but YOU know who you are and exactly what you are capable of. What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla